A Purse Full of Clues

For early harvest issue six, we asked children from Melbourne’s west to dig into the crimes and murder mysteries lurking in their neighbourhoods.

Here’s an extract from The Up and Down Case! uncovered by Lili Rivera from St Monica’s Primary School. Illustration by Cameron Baker.

The Up and Down Case!

Chapter One: My Case

14th of May 4:03AM (the unlucky day)

In a celebrity’s mansion four people got killed in all four bathrooms by the same person (at least I think so) and I know this because I am a spy working for a spy network called…Star. My name is Evie Light and this my 112th case. This is a very hard case and that’s why I need your help! Okay, first clue is…actually I don’t have any yet…but don’t get frustrated, because we can go get some at the crime scene. Let’s go!

At the mansion I found four clues! Okay, first clue is a knife with fingerprints marked all over it. I am still waiting for results. Second clue, a purse full of clues. I am going to look for fingerprints and clues like that in it. Third clue, a phone full of revenge texts! Last but not least the fourth clue, a cup full of poison and punch (the drink). Anyway, that’s all I found! I am going to look in that purse I found!...

What did Evie find in that purse? Order your copy of early harvest issue six to find out!

Lili Rivera, age 9, is a huge fan of Pusheen Cat and loves any type of food (well maybe not cake fondant, she can’t stand cake fondant, ewww too sweet!). Her hobbies are soccer and gymnastics! She would love to be an author when she grows up. Her parents want her to be an architect or something, but they will be fine with her being a famous author! Her favourite authors are Rachel Renee Russell and Oliver Phommavanh!

This year’s Early Harvest program was made possible thanks to support from Bank of Melbourne Neighbourhood Fund. The issue six was launched on 11 November 2017 with the support of Brimbank City Council.


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Letters from Literary Outposts