100 Story Building says Yes to a Voice

On the 14th October, 100 Story Building will stand alongside the majority of First Nations Australians to vote ‘Yes’ in the Voice to Parliament Referendum.

Every day 100 Story Building sees the positive impact of supporting the agency of young people by respecting and amplifying their voices, and sharing their stories. We know that when we listen to young people about decisions that affect them, the outcomes are always better.

The Voice to Parliament will do the same for First Nations people. First Nations people have asked for this Voice to allow them to better influence the decisions that impact their lives, drawing on thousands of years of knowledge and culture.

The request for the Voice comes from the Uluru Statement from the Heart. The Uluru Statement looks to First Nations children as “our hope for the future,” and tells us:

When we have power over our destiny our children will flourish. They will walk in two worlds and their culture will be a gift to their country.
— the Uluru Statement from the Heart

100 Story Building takes up the invitation to “walk with us” in the Uluru Statement, to support First Nations young people. Together we can walk towards a country where First Nations voices are amplified in ways that will improve and enrich our collective futures.

The Voice is centred on the principles of self-determination, agency and justice. It aligns with our commitment to support the literacy, confidence and sense of belonging of all children and young people, particularly those with a lived experience of disadvantage.

100 Story Building believes that voting Yes will have significant benefits for First Nations children and young people. The Voice will help them and their communities to lead conversations about their education and wellbeing. A Yes vote also sends a clear message that we want to hear the wisdom of the oldest living culture on Earth, and take steps beyond this referendum to act on it.

For those who want to learn more about this important referendum, Narragunnawali, a First Nations organisation supporting schools, has assembled an excellent collection of resources and guides that are specially developed to support young people and educators. These cover the Voice and referendum, with an additional focus on the wellbeing of First Nations people during this time.

100 Story Building staff and Board of Directors

Ben McKenzie

Ben is a writer, performer and game designer. He works as a Workshop Facilitator for 100 Story Building, a creative writing centre for children and young people based in Footscray.


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