About 100 Story Building

100 Story Building is a unique organisation for young writers in Footscray, Melbourne. We use storytelling as a tool to foster imagination, creativity and confidence in children and young people.


Our mission is to provide opportunities for the most marginalised children and young people in our community to build the literacy skills, confidence and sense of belonging that are fundamental to future success.

We create opportunities for children and young people to expand their imaginations, amplify their voices and become the hero of their own stories. 

In the Building, young storytellers create and write their own stories inspired by the strange creatures and peculiar happenings on the 99 levels below the trapdoor. However, like the ever-expanding creative minds of young storytellers, we are not limited by the walls of the building. We travel to classrooms, libraries, community centres, festivals across Victoria - both online and in-person - expanding our impact beyond Footscray and Melbourne’s west. 

To support our free programs for children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, we operate as a social enterprise. We deliver paid programming, teacher development and strategic consultations to schools, councils, festivals and community services.

Read our 2021-2022 Activity Report

Our story

Our people

Our board

Our ambassadors