Artist takes up residency

Dear 100 Story Building Residents,All Building Residents are hereby notified that Level 49, usually reserved for cello practice by musically-minded otters*, will be off-limits for the next six weeks. Artist George Rex, who has specially arrived from South Australia to log the peculiar goings-on at the Building, will be taking up residency on the level for the time.  Management on Level 100 understands the eclectic standards and tastes of the Building residents and thus asked George to introduce herself and explain her interest in exploring the Building life. Here is the artist in her own words. ‘Hello! My name is George Rex. It’s very nice to meet you. I’m a cartoonist from Adelaide, South Australia, and I make autobiographical comics (but occasionally dabble in fiction). I have written and drawn short comics for Australian, American and European anthologies, literary magazines and websites. But I’m currently writing my first graphic novel, which is all about my experiences growing up with a brother with severe autism. When not making my own stories, you might find me running comics-making workshops (for kids and adults), selling my comics at markets or drawing things for other people.During my residency at 100 Story Building, I hope to learn about all the rad things that 100 Story Building does and how they make them happen. I’d really love to start my own art space in Adelaide and I’m hoping to learn lots of tricks of the trade from the crew at 100 Story Building. (Also a plus will be making new writing pals and learning what’s really underneath that trapdoor.)Other important information you need to know about me: I enjoy tea, popcorn, the Muppets, Harry Potter, socks, food and hand-drawn fantasy maps. My other hobbies include roller derby and couch naps.’We hope the Residents will extend their generous welcome to George and desist from snoring, stealing socks and jamming the elevator with spark-shooting jelly beans during her stay! Yours sincerelyManagement on Level 100* Musically-minded otters can practice their cello on the mezzanine between Level 32 and 33. To compensate for the poor acoustics on the level, they will be allowed complimentary use of the rainbow-dispensing jukebox on the level.


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