Early Harvest #5 Interview: Iola, Chloe, Mackenzie & Elliott

100 Story Building mentor, Britney, interviews this year's Early Harvest editors.

Woah! Today, we have a combined interview with four editors, each bubbling with energy. We also may or may not have gotten extremely off topic, but it’s all about getting to know them anyways.


Can you introduce yourselves with one fact.


I’m Iola and I like drawing.


I’m Elliott and I like playing music.


I’m Chloe and I’m obsessed with gymnastics.


I’m Mackenzie and I love sport.

B: What sport do you like?

M: Badminton.

B: How about you guys?

E: I don’t really like sport…B: That’s fine, I don’t like sport either haha.I: I like basketball and dancing but I’m not very good at it.E: I guess I do like soccer.C: I love basketball, gymnastics, dancing, football and cricket.M: One more fact about us, we’re all from the same school. Yesterday, we all went to a concert and we won the spirit award.I: And I got to hold it.[We side tracked a lot and ended up talking for a long time about this concert]<FAST FORWARD>

B: So have you been watching the Olympics since you guys are into sports?

I: Yes, in the morning I watched the basketball and we got thrashed.C: I really love the gymnastics.B: Oh my goodness, the gymnastics are so good. I love the galas.E: Yeah and the guy who broke his leg.*SOUNDS OF HORROR*

B: So, how come you joined Early Harvest? [Yes Britney, you finally made it here]

I: I like writing and I like editing, so I thought this would be a good chance to start.

B: Are you thinking of writing in the future?

I: Maybe… I like law.C: Yeah same, I really like law.

B: Do you know what you want to do Elliot?

E: I like acting.M: I like acting and I like food. Mum said I’m really good at cooking so…

B: So are reading and writing your favourite subjects?

I, E, C, M: No.C: I like sport.I: I like writing and art.C: I’m not a really smarty person. I like going out and doing things more.M: I’ve never really been good at writing so I thought this would be a good opportunity.C: I don’t really like writing since it usually bores me and I don’t often read, but when I find a good book I do read it. But I’m sportier especially since my family is too.[Somehow, we managed to sidetrack back to the concert]<FAST FORWARD>

B: Okay last question: if you had a super power what would it be?

I: Telekinesis and just like having magic.C: If I could have a super power, it would be to swap bodies with someone else so I know how I act and see it through the day.E: Mine would be to be chosen for things more. Like to be better at doing things.I: To make Hogwarts real.M: I would just have a magic wand and do whatever I want.

B: Okay, so that’s the end of our interview!

Britney is a sixteen year old blueberry living the typical fruit salad life. When she’s not busy trying to get her fruity life together or studying fruitology (she means biology), she is busy running in the woods with deers, rabbits and possums or swimming in the ocean with dolphins in her procrastinating mind. If not, you’ll find her doodling and spilling creative lines on paper instead of her homework… productive and healthy.

Early Harvest is a dynamic after-school program that brings together an editorial team of upper-primary students from Melbourne’s west, and provides them with mentoring and workshops to publish an issue of the yearly literary journal. The 2016 issue of Early Harvest will be released on Wednesday 9th November, with all profits going back to 100 Story Building’s free literacy programs. Click here to find out more.


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