Hey everyone, guess who's back?(That was a rhetorical question, but it would be really creepy if you did know.)Miab!I was an editor of early harvest in 2013. This year, I am sticking out this great experience once again but I am not an editor. In fact I am a mentor for this year’s editorial board. The reason I have chosen to come back is because the Early Harvest project was honestly a wonderful experience for myself, and so I want to help others also get the most out of, and reach their fullest potential, during this experience.Enough about me, let's talk about what we have been doing.Early Harvest started with a bang. As you may already know this year’s theme is (*drum roll*) TECHNOLOGY! We recently met two great people from the publishing industry who guided us through our workshops. With our theme in mind we wrote calls for submissions, assisted by Elizabeth Flux of Voiceworks. This basically tells you what we are looking to include in this year’s issue. And that is – stories, poems and comics! With the help of Harriet McKnight of The Canary Press, we also determined a criteria for selection. This will be used by the editors to rate the submissions. The things we believe play an important role in a good piece are:Plot - is the narrator easy to follow? Does it have a satisfying ending?Vocabulary - does it have good description? Does it have good quality of writing?Originality - is the story unique? Does it feel like something you've read before? Does it blow your mind?Theme - does it fit the theme?Spelling and grammarThat is as much as I can tell you...for now.Tune in next week for more amazing blog posts like this one.

Miab was an editor for early harvest in 2013. Her favourite food is ice-cream.

Submissions for Early Harvest are due on August 12.

This year we are launching a crowd funding campaign to print Early Harvest issue 4. Stay tuned for the details, and get ready to share it with your friends!


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Postcards from the Time Machine