Reading Advice from Level 87

Reading. It's not all about getting lost in a good book, or choosing your favourite character and sticking with them until death (or true love) do you part. Sometimes it's about challenging yourself to keep with a voice you can't stand, or letting yourself feel all the feelings in the knowledge you'll be OK at the end, or even just making the time to pay attention to your reading habits. Reading is thinking, folks. And here is a series of blog posts that Level 87 Book Club wrote for Inside a Dog that shares their thoughts on being readers. Enjoy!Elena on whiny characters;Darvey's quiz to find out which alternate universe you belong in and her helpful guide on how to handle a character's death;Jillianne on whether authors deserve second chance reads;Korik on getting the most out of your book-time;Yohanna on the different kind of readers;Mary on how to get out of a reading rut.

Level 87 of 100 Story Building is all about books. And the people who read them! We share and discuss books that we're reading, books that we're going to read. We share our thoughts and recommendations. But no spoilers!

Are you a young person who loves reading? Join us on Thursday afternoons for Level 87 Book Club! More info here.




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