This summer, we happened across a strange phenomena at MPavilion, itself a curious mix of meeting place, experiment and events.Who knew how long this strangeness lay hidden deep beneath the ground? All we know is that, sort of like Dorothy's house landing on the wicked witch, MPavilion landing awakened something odd and wonderful. It began to grow. And communicate. Scientists examined these coloured wires and funny shaped devices waving at their ends. They concluded that only people with very sensitive eyes and ears could interpret them.In other words, children.Over 10 days, more than 515 curious children listened to the Tendrils and deciphered their communications for families and visitors at MPavilion. Some young investigators even dedicated their whole morning or afternoon to this cause. Staff from our Hazardous Story Division prompted inquisitive minds, asking what could this sound or noise be coming from the telephone line? What do you think could be under the ground? What is this structure growing up around the poles? And why is this happening?As explorations and ideas evolved, we further probed the theories of our creative young visitors. What does the language look like? What is it trying to say to us? What needs to happen or what do we need to do next?Many theories were proposed and further research conducted via in-depth phone conversations and giggles, but only sensitive-eared young children were able to understand. Luckily they shared their theories with us: computer worlds where cables were the real rulers, robot dance parties and friendly monsters living underwater talking through snorkels. They drew timelines back 2 million years when the world was full of dinosaurs and MPavilion. They experimented with dispatching coded communications in to the ground.Thank you to all the young investigators who shared their theories with us!100 Story Building presented Tendrils in collaboration with JOFmakesART and MPavilion.

Gallery of Theories on Tendrils


Galaxy on the Skydeck


Summer Trapdoors and Tendrils