Become a Volunteer!

Want to work with our fearless young writers as they plot plucky new ventures? Now's your chance!

Our Volunteer Recruitment and Training Day will be held on 23rd February to ease new volunteers into the Building life (it helps to know about our sock-stealing llamas and jellybean-shooting pigeons).

You don't have to be an author, artist or time traveller to become a 100 Story volunteer (though time-travellers certainly have an edge). You just have to be committed to helping children and young people share their voice.

Our volunteers come with all sorts of skills and experiences, with backgrounds in creative industries, education, IT, legal, finance and media.

At the recruitment session on 23rd February, you will find out a bit more about what kind of volunteer opportunities we offer. This will be done as a part of a group interview session. Next, our Program Manager and Workshop Facilitators will give you a taste of the storymaking workshops we hold at the Centre. They will also word you up on the important policy and procedure parts to volunteering.

Register your interest to become a 100 Story volunteer and we'll send you more information.  

We are a child safe organisation. All volunteers require a current Working With Children Check.


Murder They Wrote...


100 Story Star: Anna